Thursday, 15 December 2016

Thursday 15th December Bergerac

Early morning walk for fresh baguette and croissants, breakfast accomplish.

Tip :  Air the washing by putting a hot water bottle in between the almost dry clothes, works a treat. Thanks Elizabeth  for this and all other useful tips.

En  route to Bergerac stopped before Perigueux for GPL .68 Litre €11.70 17 litres.

Our sat nav decided  to take us on a tour of the town centre, round and through and round again, not made easier when she kept loosing the gps satellite signal and our map would have bipassed the town altogether. So much for wanting to avoid towns and cities.

Safely through the other side and on to the lovely town of Bergerac.

Unfortunately the photos don't seem to want to load at the moment, so will see if I can add them later .

Some observations  on France so far, lots and lots of roundabouts,   some bad rickerty roads through little villages, but also lots of really good roads, which makes for pleasant driving, lots of big trucks often in convoy. This part of france now forested and vast vineyards for the making of cognac.

Most houses have faded white, wooden shutters over their windows, which seem to be always closed.

So far have traveled with, 2,000 mile's in 1month.

Staying in free overnight park with services just outside Bergerac in Lembras.

Tomorrow head over to Mouzens  in Dordogne to meet the owners of our House sit.

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