Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Wednesday 21 December - morning mewsings

The 7am bells were heard this morning along with the pattern patter of not so tiny paws on the stairs. Too dark for walks just yet so waited till 8am so we could see where we were going.

Drove down to the fields, when I say fields they are not the green grassy Meadows you might imagine.  Fields of harvested maize crops, covered in husks and stalks a out 8" high like rows of mini bamboos, the dogs love racing up and across the rows. Then there are fields where the cows have been and left their mark with volumous mounds of dung,  not a good choice to walk the dogs through.  We have fields of new crops recently planted that have to be avoided, so Laywa is on lead past these so not to upset the local farmers.

There are also the fields of tussock and grass with dirt tracks along the river and walks through the walnut groves, so lots of variety to keep them amused.  When they drop back for a sniff and a loiter you then hear the thundering gallop behind you as they chase and bound along like small horse.  Great walks with very good dogs.

As the haze on the horizon lifts you can see the beginnings of a lovely day.

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