Thursday, 13 April 2017

Thurs 13 Apr 11° Monterosso to Collicchio, Parma

Completely grey sky with low cloud as we farewelled Montorosso for our drive north, no view this morning as we drive further up into the clouds.

Thinking of NZ and cyclone Cook bearing down on them,  hoping everyone is safe and dry.

The theme of coloured houses continues inland in villages and towns, on hills and bends but none so dramatic as the coastal  villages on the cliffs of cinque terre . Through a long tunnel 2.4km then another 890m and another 980m thank goodness that means we will miss all or most of the mountain roads, bends and steep ups and downs, par for the course in this neck of the woods.

Back through La Spezia and an 803m tunnel, the sun is out now but still very hazy, respite from the mountain roads as a spell on the motorway,  long straight and smooth roads . Then we have roundabouts and bumpy roads. Diesel €1.40 got €40 worth 28ltrs. Further on it was up to €1.52.....we did well there.

Up again and round and round 12% gradient  but 2 lanes with good surface so not too bad, then long flattish stretch, must be near the top, still winding but no hairpin bends, opening up now onto green grassy fields this must be the plateau with village way up here, Montelungo...wonder where they get their shopping..800m and still climbing.

Then a stone built village with a restaurant and shops.....and still climbing...up on the hillside beside the road, a large yellow painted villa at 900m. Signs for cattle and deer so maybe these are farmers. Levels out again village of Ca Copiada sign post and a restaurant,  another village Luniggiana.

After lunch stop we start to descend, large homes and villas in large village so high up and cyclists going for it...incredible stamina, amazing, and still we climb, more homes and then another plateau of grassy fields, looks like this might be the top. Large pot holes up here really bumpy ride now and yes we start to slowly descend, then it straightens out, then wait for it...we climb again...Another couple of houses and a tractor comes along the road...must be Farmers!

Cassia village higher now quite a big village with several shops and restaurants with stone houses, roads not overly winding but terrible condition, extremely bumpy bumpity,  bump bump...poor Bessie, bit of a bone shaker this one.Amazingly this is a bus route and we are still high does this road go. Another village..this must be the highest point.

Levelling out and a restaurant appears with a motorhome stopped for lunch, round the corner another in a lay by.  Slightly up again, this is unreal. An old Casa has seen its glory days.

Up now almost level with radio  mast and yet another village Roschi de Badone  then as we begin a gentle descend our first hair pin bend of the day so not bad going. Not too far down and we entered a large town with a roundabout,   Fornova di Taro they certainly do like living up high these Italians .

Seems to level out again 11km to our destination. Flat roads all the way to Collicchio near Parma. Free site in car park near town and beside a sports stadium, 2 other motorhomes already here. Fine for the night.

Very warm now 24° Tony had a well earned rest then offered to cook sausages for dinner, I did offer, but he has really taken to the cooking so gives me a chance to type up the blog and add the many photos.  My storage was getting low with them all Les said to back them up on Google so did that and it's fine now. Thanks Les Mr techno tips haha.

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