Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Sun 17 Dec 0° Aldeia Favela da Nova, Ourique House Sit

6am woke up to the dogs Barking and going nuts, apparently the hunters are out and Bob was a street dog and is quite nervous, but very cute in a Hairy Mclarey type of way.

We have 5 cats to look after...names will come after a while,we know their names, just have to remember which one is which ...haha

We were shown the chip burner fire, fed the animals and Mogwai another cat that they look after, he is older and has been unwell so shown his liquid meds, which he likes so not difficult to give him.

We drove to Ourique 8 minutes away, they pointed out the bus station where Jenna and Alex will arrive and then we had a coffee and cake at a cafe outside the supermarket.

Got a bit off shopping and they showed us the Portuguese xmas cakes and a few other bits, took the shopping home then went out for lunch. Two good restaurants near each other we went Queensbury,  got in just in time before it filled up. Mike had lamb chops,  Tony Veal, I had a delicious large, salmon and Yvonne had a delicious beef Tornado steak cooked blue, with gorgonsola cheese sauce. Pat would love it...in fact I don't normally like rare meat, but this was very nice indeed. €34 per couple.

When we got back Tony and I walked the dogs while our hosts finished their packing , Yvonne told us about this good book Obesity Code by Jason Fung, a dietary programme aimed mainly at type 2 diabetes. She said they did the programme for 4 weeks both lost weight and Mikes insulin levels came down to almost normal.

Sat in the sun  and read the book, a lot of it I know, most is common sense and the main part of the puzzle as it were is intermittent fasting. We did the Michael Mosley 5+2 fasting  program so we know that it works but it sounds excellent in reducing insulin levels in type 2 diabetes sufferers.

We had cheese and crackers for light tea after our big lunch, a bottle of bubbles and watched a movie on their Netflix, The Equaliser with Densil Washington,  very good movie.

We farewelled them as they had to leave at 7am, put the fleece sheets on our bed that Yvonne got out for us, as we were very cold last night. 

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