Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Tues 18 July 15° Larne ferry to Cairnryan Scotland

Sunny with early morning mist keeping it cool but promises to clear and warm to another gorgeous day as we head for the ferry and our Ireland adventure comes to an  end with a big tick off the bucket list. ✔

Cairnryan is the shortest route just a 2 hour ferry trip.

A very smooth crossing, would hardly know we were on the water, warm and sunny the whole way with a welcoming 24° when we drove off onto Scottish soil.

Smooth roads......bliss...we will enjoy this leg of the journey...followed the coast road along edge of Wigtown Bay to Kirkcudbright,  free park by the river Dee in an industrial area so a bit noisy and a bit smelly but the sun on the water is sparkling and relaxing as it flows gently by through the leafy trees and along g the grass edge. A path runs beside and walkers with or without dogs enjoy the warm evening.

Chicken and bacon Tortellini with fresh veges and tomato sauce for dinner then a walk along the river.

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